Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Bro. You the Coolest!

This link gives me some piece of mind. 

When I was a young lass I admired my brothers ability to draw. He'd create these detailed drawings of army men and assassins fighting each other on battles ships. You could stare at them for aggges and still discover new little 'scenarios' occurring between the characters he'd drawn. 

Sooo as young sister who admired their brothers actions... I decided to take my own spin on his ideas. Make them my own.
At the age of 7 I would draw these massive monsters vs human massacres. Creatures would be fighting for their lives, squashing people under their feat and so on. Filled with detailed blood splatters and made up weaponry.
Sure enough I came home one day and my parents told me I needed to stop drawing these disturbing images in class time.

I was pretty embarrassed, I tried to draw another one in class after the fact but my teacher caught me. I was buuusteeed.

I really wish I had a copy of those drawings.
I enjoy the humour in it all. Being seven just wanting to draw COOL things like my COOL brother, only to realise that drawing them in a catholic school environment.. probably not so wise.

Still keen to recreate a kick as Monster Vs Human drawing soon. I shall dedicate it to my brother! 

Happy Birthday bro!

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